Asia Internship - Culture Immersion Programs in Asia
Internships, Volunteering, Full-time Job Placement and More

Teaching English at Buddhist Monastery Nunnery
This programme aims to give volunteers a taste of life in a monastery. This English-teaching programme aims for an exchange between members of a spiritual community and overseas volunteers with one thing in common: the eagerness to learn. The overseas volunteers learn about Buddhist culture, Buddhist ways of life and Buddhist Dharma, while the Buddhist monks and nuns learn about the world through the English language.
Teach English to monks and nuns
Organise games, painting, drawing, and other creative activities of their choice.

Teaching English for Deaf People
This project aims to give the deaf people of Nepal a better quality education. For too long now, Nepal’s educational system has neglected the special needs of these people, who end up dropping out of school. It is an incredibly fulfilling experience to help those that need it most.
Teaching English. Even if you do not have a background in sign language, there are many other ways for you to help the school.
Set up workshops, fieldtrips, health/sanitation sessions and various other project assistance

Teaching Enlish in Community Schools
English Teaching in Nepali Community Schools Programme targets international volunteers who are looking to take part in a hands-on, Nepali classroom experience. In these local schools, you as a volunteer will not only teach the English language, but will also engage in an effort to get the children to apply their language skills through various extracurricular activities. By doing this, the children will have a better grasp of English and will be able to use what they know in real life situations, as well as improving their career opportunities.

Teaching Computer Science
There is currently a severe shortage of IT expertise in Nepal. The country will need to do much to improve, especially to catch up with the outside world and join the IT age. Help Nepal get ahead! Your participation is key to providing these tools.
Teach basic IT in public/community schools to pupils as well as to their teachers and community youth and women
Assist in our project’s main office to maintain and improve its website.
Teach computer and internet skills to local teachers

Teaching Sports
Sports bring people together. Seize the opportunity and share your love for your favourite sport(s) with the people of Nepal. European football and cricket are big in Nepal while other sports are only just beginning to take root. As a volunteer, you would bring joy and knowledge to a Nepal of few means but full of warmth and enthusiasm.
Teach/coach sport(s) to children and teachers in a school.
Teach/coach sport(s) within the community.
Any knowledge of indoor or outdoor games will be useful

Teaching Yoga
Nepal is a beautiful country full of contrasts and natural riches, struggling to find its modern identity and development in the midst of political struggles. You would be bringing yoga to Nepal, giving people a chance to live a better life that comes from within, independent of the challenges and changes taking place outside of their control.
Creating plans for your daily teaching.
Teach regular yoga classes.
Interacting with the local community

Arts and Crafts
Art is a powerful and creative means of expression. It can bring about positive life-enhancing change to both you and the Nepali people. As a volunteer, you will have the unique opportunity to teach arts and crafts of your choosing, and to learn the trade through the artistic lens of the Nepali people.
Teach arts and crafts (drawing, painting, creating gift cards, music, and dance) at your placement school.
Learn/teach arts and crafts with local craftspeople or local community.

Culture Immersion & Teaching
This is for those who want to learn about Nepali culture. You will be placed in a typical Nepali home in a village. This project pulls visitors out of their “visitor’s bubble” and integrates them into a Nepali household as a family member. You will “give back” by teaching English at the community school. This is a unique and unforgettable experience.
Learn Nepali language and culture through day-to-day activities
Interact with local community members.
Teach basic English at school
Teach other subjects and activities as per your interests and the school’s needs
Organize basic activities at early childhood development centres.

Child Project - Orphanage
Every year hundreds of orphaned children wander the streets of Kathmandu. A majority of them become child labourers and never get time to properly enjoy their childhood. We aim to give them back their childhood and an education.
Teach basic English and other subjects
Provide care and attention for children
Show them basic sanitary habits including tooth-brushing and hand-washing
Organize creative activities e.g. arts and crafts.
Help to run and clean the orphanage
Walk children to schools and bring them back

Early Childhood Development
We work with early childhood development centres set up in rural communities for children of 3 to 5 years of age. These centres work to surround children from marginalized communities with a friendly learning environment.
Play games and rhymes with the children to develop mind, body and soul.
Provide care and affection for children.
Create activities that encourage the development of their social skills.
Create teaching materials from locally available resources.

Child Right’s Clubs
We work with children’s clubs, platforms provided for children to develop their innate skills and creativity while increasing their awareness of community issues, as well as helping them apply what they have learnt in the classroom to real life situations.
Create workshops that deal with leadership training, life skills and other ways to empower kids.
Organize creative activities oriented around such tasks as contemporary dance &/or formal debate on issues such as promoting/protecting human rights.

Working for Street Children
Kathmandu alone has an estimated 1,000 street children. School is not an option. They work the streets, seek meals in garbage heaps, sleep in the streets, and fall prey to traffickers and other abuse.
Provide makeshift educational activities.
Engage in recreational activities with the children.
Teach basic cleanliness and hygiene.
Spend time with the children and provide them with love, care and direction.
Work at our partners drop in-centres to provide basic care.

Health and Medical Care
This project aims to improve the health of the community through education, health services and public health improvements. It mobilizes volunteers with health backgrounds both in rural areas where people do not have access to health facilities and to support local health posts that do have a nurse and a doctor.
Provide diagnosis and medical care to the community, or support medical staff.
Work with doctors and nurses to distribute medicine.
Provide basic counselling to patients.
Support local doctors by measuring temperature, pulse and blood pressure.
Raise awareness on basic health and hygiene among local communities

Health, Sanitation and Hygiene Education
This project was first set up due to the many inadequacies in the Nepali healthcare system. This project will be your way of making a significant impact on the Nepali rural communities as a whole and changing the lives of hundreds of locals.
Teach basic health and hygiene habits to schoolchildren and the local community.
Consult with the local community about their current health condition.
Work on improving basic sanitation habits with the local community.
Visit children’s clubs and public schools to raise awareness and give first aid tips.

Women’s Empowerment: Education, Rights & Life Skills
This project aims to uplift disadvantaged women in Nepal by addressing issues including education, literacy, financial wellbeing, health and women’s rights. It adopts an integrated approach to women’s empowerment.
Teach women about rights, health, English & basic account keeping.
Lead activities that teach life skills, e.g. leadership skills, decision making and communication
Provide other support depending on your skills and the local community’s needs.

Women’s Empowerment: Income Generation & Marketing
This project has been instrumental in overseeing the recent growth of women’s income generation initiatives. Women were provided with critical livelihood training to generate income through primarily vegetable and livestock farming, sewing and cutting, incense making and dry food making.
Oversee, track and advance women's income generation initiatives.
Help explore markets for the products of these initiatives
Work with women of the farm

Women’s Empowerment: Microcredit Cooperative
This project has been instrumental in the recent surge of women’s income generation projects. Our support and training has enabled many women to join the Women’s Microcredit Cooperative. Women are now afforded credit. This in turn permits them to start their own income generation activities.
Support setting up women’s cooperatives to run micro-credits.
Establish or strengthen social groups of women to create solidarity and reinforce microcredit.
Facilitate and advance functionality of microcredit cooperatives.
Develop grant proposals to fund women's empowerment projects.

Women’s Trafficking Prevention
Each year in Nepal an estimated 10,000-15,000 girls are trafficked across the border to be sold into Indian brothels or forced to become domestic servants, beggars or workers. This project aims to prevent the trafficking of girls from Nepal.
Visit trafficking prone areas to study the contributing factors with local staff.
Research whether the family knew that their girl was being trafficked.
Conduct awareness campaigns in the community.
Research and conduct case studies of families whose girls have been sold
Other fields - Consult us
Program Description