Asia Internship - Culture Immersion Programs in Asia
Internships, Volunteering, Full-time Job Placement and More
We believe our programs are great. But don't just take our word for it, listen to what our previous participants have to say!

Coen is from the Netherlands and spent 3 month in China as a Nursing Intern with a clinic.

Nick is from England and spent 1 month in Chengdu as a International Marketing Intern with a green energy company in summer 2019.

Gio is from the Netherlands and did three month internship at an interior design company in China.

Aleks is from New Zealand and did one month internship at an investment company in China.

Bailey interned with a robotic and bio-engineering company for 2 months in summer 2018

Jonathan came to Chengdu in November 2017 as an intern for 6 month in a Pharmaceutical company.

Callum did an internship in with a research and development company that produces new products for the sustainability market

Yusuf did an Internship in Chinese Law Firm

Eliza is from Sweden. She is a current bio-engineering student at Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden.